5 Healthy Snacks for High Cholesterol

5 Healthy Snacks for High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the consequences of an over-stimulated way of living that excludes all kinds of healthy habits. And that certainly covers snacking. If you are suffering from high cholesterol, and are looking for some guilt-free snacks to peck at, look no further. Here are five healthy snack ideas for you. Vegetables A good source of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and micronutrients, an assortment of colorful vegetables is indispensable in a healthy diet plan. So have more carrots, fresh string beans, peas, eggplants, and potatoes with their skin. Aim to have at least four servings of vegetables every day. In a heated wok, saute some colorful veggies along with shallots and a few garlic pods in olive oil. After a few minutes, switch off the flame, add salt and freshly crushed black pepper, and garnish with lightly roasted sesame seeds for an added crunch. Enjoy a healthy, guilt-free snack anytime, without having to worry about your high cholesterol. Fruits Low-fat fruits like grapes, strawberries, apples, and citrus varieties are ideal snacks for lowering cholesterol. There is nothing more healthy and satisfying for between-meal snacks than a bowl of fresh fruits without any added salt or sugar fruits. Aim to have a minimum of 3 cups of fruit per day.
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Ways To Prevent And Treat The Signs Of Melanoma

Ways To Prevent And Treat The Signs Of Melanoma

Melanoma is a severe form of skin cancer that originates in the melanocytes, which produce melanin or the pigment that gives color to the skin. Read on to know more about melanoma and its symptoms, treatment methods, and prevention measures. Symptoms The first few symptoms of melanoma are: Changes in an existing mole Development of an unusual growth or a new pigmented growth on the surface of the skin The appearance of moles that are unusual and indicate the presence of melanoma Melanoma moles One can characterize and identify moles by understanding the letters ABCDE: A:  The letter A stands for asymmetrical appearance B:  It stands for irregular borders C:  This letter stands for moles that depict an unequal distribution of color or moles with multiple colors D:  The letter D signifies the diameter of the mole; if the mole grows larger than 6 mm, it could be cancerous E:  The letter E is for the evolution in the size, color, or the shape of a mole over time Hidden melanomas If melanoma occurs in parts of the body that have minimal exposure to the sun, it is known as hidden melanoma. This is commonly observed on the scalp, palms, or soles, or in the genitals.
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Pros and Cons of Auto Financing & Leasing

Pros and Cons of Auto Financing & Leasing

In addition to the housing costs, buying a used or a new vehicle is another significant expense that the families and the individuals incur when they wish to settle down. Those of you who do not wish to bear the high interest rates of a car loan, or find it a daunting task to save a lot of money to buy a car, how about considering the option of a lease? Financing vs. leasing a vehicle For Americans, a vehicle, be it financed or leased, is considered to be a major expenditure. Though in the short run, leases might seem cheaper, on the whole, buying a vehicle happens to be a fairly cost-effective alternative. However, understanding the pros and cons of financing vs. leasing a vehicle will certainly help you make a more informed decision about what is ideal for you as well as your family. Leasing a vehicle When you lease an automobile, the bare bones of the agreement is that one party allows the other party to use a particular vehicle or car for a stipulated amount period, and in exchange, periodic payments are to be made. If there’s no option in your contract to purchase the vehicle at the expiry of the term, you’ll have to return it to the owner.
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